Display modules
This module is used to accurately plot the figures.
calculate_simulation_error(Ucell, U_exp_t)
This function calculates the simulation error between the simulated cell voltage and the experimental cell voltage. It is calculated as the maximum relative difference between the two voltages (in %).
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def calculate_simulation_error(Ucell, U_exp_t):
"""This function calculates the simulation error between the simulated cell voltage and the experimental cell
voltage. It is calculated as the maximum relative difference between the two voltages (in %).
Ucell : numpy.ndarray
Simulated cell voltage.
U_exp_t : numpy.ndarray
Experimental cell voltage.
Simulation error between the simulated cell voltage and the experimental cell voltage (in %).
return np.round(np.max(np.abs(Ucell - U_exp_t) / U_exp_t * 100), 2) # in %.
make_Fourier_transformation(variables, operating_inputs, parameters)
This function calculates the Fourier transformation of both cell voltage and current density. It will be used to display the Nyquist and Bode diagrams. To generate it at each frequency change, the cell voltage and the current density are recorded. The time for which these points are captured is determined using the following approach: at the beginning of each frequency change, a delta_t_break_EIS time is observed to ensure the dynamic stability of the stack's variables. Subsequently, a delta_t_measurement_EIS time is needed to record the cell voltage and the current density.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def make_Fourier_transformation(variables, operating_inputs, parameters):
This function calculates the Fourier transformation of both cell voltage and current density. It will be used to
display the Nyquist and Bode diagrams.
To generate it at each frequency change, the cell voltage and the current density are recorded. The time for which
these points are captured is determined using the following approach: at the beginning of each frequency change, a
delta_t_break_EIS time is observed to ensure the dynamic stability of the stack's variables. Subsequently, a
delta_t_measurement_EIS time is needed to record the cell voltage and the current density.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
Dictionary containing the Fourier transformation (FT) of the cell voltage and the current density, all amplitude
values of the cell voltage calculated by the FT, the amplitude of the cell voltage at the frequency of the
perturbation, all frequency values used vy the FT, the frequency of the perturbation, and the number of points
used in the FT.
# Extraction of the variables
t, Ucell_t = np.array(variables['t']), np.array(variables['Ucell'])
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density = operating_inputs['current_density']
t_EIS, max_step = parameters['t_EIS'], parameters['max_step']
# Creation of ifc
ifc_t = np.zeros(len(t))
for i in range(len(t)):
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters)
# Identify the areas where Ucell and ifc can be measured for the EIS: after equilibrium and at each frequency change
t0_EIS, t_new_start_EIS, tf_EIS, delta_t_break_EIS, delta_t_measurement_EIS = t_EIS
n_inf = np.where(t_new_start_EIS <= t[0])[0][-1] # The number of frequency changes which has been mad so far.
Ucell_EIS_measured = Ucell_t[np.where((t > (t[0] + delta_t_break_EIS[n_inf])) &
(t < (t[0] + delta_t_break_EIS[n_inf] + delta_t_measurement_EIS[n_inf])))]
ifc_EIS_measured = ifc_t[np.where((t > (t[0] + delta_t_break_EIS[n_inf])) &
(t < (t[0] + delta_t_break_EIS[n_inf] + delta_t_measurement_EIS[n_inf])))]
# Determination of the Fourier transformation
N = Ucell_EIS_measured.size # Number of points used for the Fourier transformation
Ucell_Fourier = fft(Ucell_EIS_measured) # Ucell Fourier transformation
ifc_Fourier = fft(ifc_EIS_measured) # ifc Fourier transformation
A_period_t = np.concatenate(
([np.abs(Ucell_Fourier)[0] / N], np.abs(Ucell_Fourier[1:N // 2]) * 2 / N)) # Recovery of
# all amplitude values calculated by fft
A = max(A_period_t[1:]) # Amplitude at the frequency of the perturbation
freq_t = fftfreq(N, max_step)[:N // 2] # Recovery of all frequency values used by fft
f = freq_t[np.argmax(A_period_t == A)] # Recovery of the studied frequency
return {'Ucell_Fourier': Ucell_Fourier, 'ifc_Fourier': ifc_Fourier, 'A_period_t': A_period_t, 'A': A,
'freq_t': freq_t, 'f': f, 'N': N}
plot_Bode_amplitude_instructions(f_EIS, type_fuel_cell, ax)
This function adds the instructions for amplitude Bode plots according to the type_input to the ax object.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_Bode_amplitude_instructions(f_EIS, type_fuel_cell, ax):
"""This function adds the instructions for amplitude Bode plots according to the type_input to the ax object.
type_fuel_cell : str
Type of fuel cell configuration.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the instructions will be added.
# Commun instructions
f_power_min_EIS, f_power_max_EIS, nb_f_EIS, nb_points_EIS = f_EIS # They are the frequency parameters for the EIS
# simulation.
ax.set_xscale('log') # set logarithmic scale for the x-axis
# For EH-31 fuel cell
if type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_1.5" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.0" or \
type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.25" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.5":
ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, numticks=f_power_max_EIS - f_power_min_EIS + 1))
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=np.arange(2, 10) * .1,
numticks=(f_power_max_EIS - f_power_min_EIS + 1) * len(np.arange(2, 10))))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(30 / 5))
ax.set_xlim([10**f_power_min_EIS, 10**f_power_max_EIS])
plot_Bode_phase_instructions(f_EIS, type_fuel_cell, ax)
This function adds the instructions for phase Bode plots according to the type_input to the ax object.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_Bode_phase_instructions(f_EIS, type_fuel_cell, ax):
"""This function adds the instructions for phase Bode plots according to the type_input to the ax object.
type_fuel_cell : str
Type of fuel cell configuration.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the instructions will be added.
# Commun instructions
f_power_min_EIS, f_power_max_EIS, nb_f_EIS, nb_points_EIS = f_EIS # They are the frequency parameters for the EIS
# simulation.
ax.set_xscale('log') # set logarithmic scale for the x-axis
if not ax.yaxis_inverted():
ax.invert_yaxis() # Invert the y-axis
# For EH-31 fuel cell
if type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_1.5" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.0" or \
type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.25" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.5":
ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, numticks = f_power_max_EIS-f_power_min_EIS+1))
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=np.arange(2, 10) * .1,
numticks = (f_power_max_EIS-f_power_min_EIS+1)*len(np.arange(2, 10))))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(5 / 5))
ax.set_xlim([10**f_power_min_EIS, 10**f_power_max_EIS])
plot_C_H2(variables, n_gdl, ax)
This function plots the hydrogen concentration at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_C_H2(variables, n_gdl, ax):
"""This function plots the hydrogen concentration at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
n_gdl : int
Number of model nodes placed inside each GDL.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the hydrogen concentration will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, C_H2_agc_t = variables['t'], variables['C_H2_agc']
C_H2_agdl_t, C_H2_acl_t = variables[f'C_H2_agdl_{n_gdl // 2}'], variables['C_H2_acl']
# Plot the hydrogen concentration at different spatial localisations: C_H2
ax.plot(t, C_H2_agc_t, color=colors(0))
ax.plot(t, C_H2_agdl_t, color=colors(1))
ax.plot(t, C_H2_acl_t, color=colors(2))
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{C_{H_{2},agc}}$', r'$\mathregular{C_{H_{2},agdl}}$',
r'$\mathregular{C_{H_{2},acl}}$'], loc='best')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Hydrogen}$ $\mathbf{concentration}$ $\mathbf{C_{H_{2}}}$ $\mathbf{\left( mol.m^{-3} \right)}$',
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(1 / 5))
ax.set_ylim(55, 58)
plot_C_N2(variables, ax)
This function plots the nitrogen concentration as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_C_N2(variables, ax):
"""This function plots the nitrogen concentration as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the nitrogen concentration will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, C_N2_t = variables['t'], variables['C_N2']
# Plot C_N2
ax.plot(t, C_N2_t, color=colors(6))
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{C_{N_{2}}}$'], loc='best')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Nitrogen}$ $\mathbf{concentration}$ $\mathbf{C_{N_{2}}}$ $\mathbf{\left( mol.m^{-3} \right)}$',
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5 / 5))
ax.set_ylim(47, 49)
plot_C_O2(variables, n_gdl, ax)
This function plots the oxygen concentration at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_C_O2(variables, n_gdl, ax):
"""This function plots the oxygen concentration at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
n_gdl : int
Number of model nodes placed inside each GDL.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the oxygen concentration will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, C_O2_ccl_t = variables['t'], variables['C_O2_ccl']
C_O2_cgdl_t, C_O2_cgc_t = variables[f'C_O2_cgdl_{n_gdl // 2}'], variables['C_O2_cgc']
# Plot the oxygen concentration at different spatial localisations: C_O2
ax.plot(t, C_O2_ccl_t, color=colors(4))
ax.plot(t, C_O2_cgdl_t, color=colors(5))
ax.plot(t, C_O2_cgc_t, color=colors(6))
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{C_{O_{2},ccl}}$', r'$\mathregular{C_{O_{2},cgdl}}$',
r'$\mathregular{C_{O_{2},cgc}}$'], loc='best')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Oxygen}$ $\mathbf{concentration}$ $\mathbf{C_{O_{2}}}$ $\mathbf{\left( mol.m^{-3} \right)}$',
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(1 / 5))
ax.set_ylim(6, 11)
plot_C_v(variables, n_gdl, C_v_sat, n, ax)
This function plots the vapor concentrations at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_C_v(variables, n_gdl, C_v_sat, n, ax):
"""This function plots the vapor concentrations at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
n_gdl : int
Number of model nodes placed inside each GDL.
C_v_sat : float
Saturation vapor concentration.
n : int
Number of points used to plot the vapor concentration.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the vapor concentration will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, C_v_agc_t, C_v_agdl_t = variables['t'], variables['C_v_agc'], variables[f'C_v_agdl_{n_gdl // 2}']
C_v_acl_t, C_v_ccl_t = variables['C_v_acl'], variables['C_v_ccl']
C_v_cgdl_t, C_v_cgc_t = variables[f'C_v_cgdl_{n_gdl // 2}'], variables['C_v_cgc']
# Plot the vapor concentrations at different spatial localisations Cv
C_v_sat_t = np.ones(n) * C_v_sat
ax.plot(t, C_v_agc_t, color=colors(0))
ax.plot(t, C_v_agdl_t, color=colors(1))
ax.plot(t, C_v_acl_t, color=colors(2))
ax.plot(t, C_v_ccl_t, color=colors(4))
ax.plot(t, C_v_cgdl_t, color=colors(5))
ax.plot(t, C_v_cgc_t, color=colors(6))
ax.plot(t, C_v_sat_t, color='k')
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{C_{v,agc}}$', r'$\mathregular{C_{v,agdl}}$', r'$\mathregular{C_{v,acl}}$',
r'$\mathregular{C_{v,ccl}}$', r'$\mathregular{C_{v,cgdl}}$', r'$\mathregular{C_{v,cgc}}$',
r'$\mathregular{C_{v,sat}}$'], loc='best')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathbf{Vapor}$ $\mathbf{concentration}$ $\mathbf{C_{v}}$ $\mathbf{\left( mol.m^{-3} \right)}$",
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(1 / 5))
ax.set_ylim(11, 16)
plot_EIS_Nyquist_instructions(type_fuel_cell, f_Fourier, x, y, ax)
This function adds the instructions for EIS plots according to the type_input to the ax object.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_EIS_Nyquist_instructions(type_fuel_cell, f_Fourier, x, y, ax):
"""This function adds the instructions for EIS plots according to the type_input to the ax object.
type_fuel_cell : str
Type of fuel cell configuration.
f_Fourier : numpy.ndarray
Frequency at which the EIS is simulated.
x : numpy.ndarray
x-axis values for plotting the annotation.
y : numpy.ndarray
y-axis values for plotting the annotation.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the instructions will be added.
# Commun instructions
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # Set orthonormal axis.
# For EH-31 fuel cell
if type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_1.5" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.0" or \
type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.25" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.5":
# Double charge transfer
if (f_Fourier >= 70 and f_Fourier <= 80):
freq_str = str(int(f_Fourier)) + ' Hz' # Frequency annotation.
ax.annotate(freq_str, (x, y), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0, -40), ha='center', fontsize=14,
rotation=90, weight='bold')
# Auxiliary system
if (f_Fourier >= 0.14 and f_Fourier <= 0.16):
freq_str = f'{f_Fourier:.2g} Hz' # Frequency annotation.
ax.annotate(freq_str, (x, y), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0, 7), ha='center', fontsize=14,
rotation=90, weight='bold')
if (f_Fourier >= 1.2 and f_Fourier <= 1.4):
freq_str = f'{f_Fourier:.2g} Hz' # Frequency annotation.
ax.annotate(freq_str, (x, y), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0, 10), ha='center', fontsize=14,
rotation=90, weight='bold')
# Diffusion
if (f_Fourier >= 0.015 and f_Fourier <= 0.020):
freq_str = f'{f_Fourier:.2g} Hz' # Frequency annotation.
ax.annotate(freq_str, (x, y), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(30, 0), ha='center', fontsize=14,
rotation=0, weight='bold')
if (f_Fourier >= 0.9 and f_Fourier <= 1.1):
freq_str = f'{f_Fourier:.2g} Hz' # Frequency annotation.
ax.annotate(freq_str, (x, y), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0, 10), ha='center', fontsize=14,
rotation=90, weight='bold')
if (f_Fourier >= 70 and f_Fourier <= 90):
freq_str = str(int(f_Fourier)) + ' Hz' # Frequency annotation.
ax.annotate(freq_str, (x, y), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0, -40), ha='center', fontsize=14,
rotation=90, weight='bold')
if (f_Fourier >= 10000 and f_Fourier <= 12000):
freq_str = str(int(f_Fourier)) + ' Hz' # Frequency annotation.
ax.annotate(freq_str, (x, y), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(35, 0), ha='center', fontsize=14,
rotation=0, weight='bold')
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(20 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(10 / 5))
ax.set_xlim(30, 200)
ax.set_ylim(-25, 55)
plot_EIS_curve_Bode_amplitude(parameters, Fourier_results, ax)
This function is used to plot the amplitude Bode diagram of the EIS curves.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_EIS_curve_Bode_amplitude(parameters, Fourier_results, ax):
"""This function is used to plot the amplitude Bode diagram of the EIS curves.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
Fourier_results : dict
Dictionary containing the Fourier transformation (FT) of the cell voltage and the current density, all amplitude
values of the cell voltage calculated by the FT, the amplitude of the cell voltage at the frequency of the
perturbation, all frequency values used vy the FT, the frequency of the perturbation, and the number of points
used in the FT.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the amplitude Bode diagram will be plotted.
# Extraction of the parameters
i_EIS, ratio_EIS, f_EIS = parameters['i_EIS'], parameters['ratio_EIS'], parameters['f_EIS']
type_fuel_cell = parameters['type_fuel_cell']
# Extraction of the Fourier results
A, f = Fourier_results['A'], Fourier_results['f']
# Calculation of the impedance of the perturbation
Z0 = A / (ratio_EIS * (-i_EIS)) * 1e7 # in mΩ.cm². The sign of i is inverted to comply with the standards of EIS,
# which measure a device under load rather than a current source.
# Plot the amplitude Bode diagram
ax.plot(f, np.abs(Z0), 'o', color=colors(1), label='Amplitude Bode diagram')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Frequency}$ $\mathbf{(Hz,}$ $\mathbf{logarithmic}$ $\mathbf{scale)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Impedance}$ $\mathbf{amplitude}$ $\mathbf{(m\Omega.cm^{2})}$', labelpad=3)
# Plot instructions
plot_Bode_amplitude_instructions(f_EIS, type_fuel_cell, ax)
plot_EIS_curve_Bode_angle(parameters, Fourier_results, ax)
This function is used to plot the angle Bode diagram. It only works with an entry signal made with a cosinus (not a sinus).
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_EIS_curve_Bode_angle(parameters, Fourier_results, ax):
"""This function is used to plot the angle Bode diagram. It only works with an entry signal made with a cosinus
(not a sinus).
Fourier_results : dict
Dictionary containing the Fourier transformation (FT) of the cell voltage and the current density, all amplitude
values of the cell voltage calculated by the FT, the amplitude of the cell voltage at the frequency of the
perturbation, all frequency values used vy the FT, the frequency of the perturbation, and the number of points
used in the FT.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the angle Bode diagram will be plotted.
# Extraction of the parameters
f_EIS, type_fuel_cell = parameters['f_EIS'], parameters['type_fuel_cell']
# Extraction of the Fourier results
Ucell_Fourier, ifc_Fourier = Fourier_results['Ucell_Fourier'], Fourier_results['ifc_Fourier']
A_period_t, A = Fourier_results['A_period_t'], Fourier_results['A']
f, N = Fourier_results['f'], Fourier_results['N']
# Calculation of the dephasing values at the frequency of the perturbation
theta_U_t = np.angle(Ucell_Fourier[0:N // 2]) # Recovery of all dephasing values calculated by fft
theta_i_t = np.angle(ifc_Fourier[0:N // 2]) + np.pi # Recovery of all dephasing values calculated by fft.
# An angle of pi is added to comply with the standards of EIS,
# which measure a device under load rather than a current source.
theta_U = theta_U_t[np.argmax(A_period_t == A)] # Dephasing at the frequency of the perturbation
theta_i = theta_i_t[np.argmax(A_period_t == A)] # Dephasing at the frequency of the perturbation
phi_U_i = ((theta_U - theta_i) * 180 / np.pi) % 360 # Dephasing between Ucell and ifc with a value between 0 and 360
if phi_U_i > 180:
phi_U_i -= 360 # To have a value between -180 and 180
# Plot the angle Bode diagram
ax.plot(f, phi_U_i, 'o', color=colors(2), label='Angle Bode diagram')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Frequency}$ $\mathbf{(Hz,}$ $\mathbf{logarithmic}$ $\mathbf{scale)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Phase}$ $\mathbf{(^\circ)}$', labelpad=3)
# Plot instructions
plot_Bode_phase_instructions(f_EIS, type_fuel_cell, ax)
plot_EIS_curve_Nyquist(parameters, Fourier_results, ax)
This function is used to plot the Nyquist diagram of the EIS curves.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_EIS_curve_Nyquist(parameters, Fourier_results, ax):
This function is used to plot the Nyquist diagram of the EIS curves.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
Fourier_results : dict
Dictionary containing the Fourier transformation (FT) of the cell voltage and the current density, all amplitude
values of the cell voltage calculated by the FT, the amplitude of the cell voltage at the frequency of the
perturbation, all frequency values used vy the FT, the frequency of the perturbation, and the number of points
used in the FT.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the Nyquist diagram will be plotted.
# Extraction of the parameters
i_EIS, ratio_EIS, type_fuel_cell = parameters['i_EIS'], parameters['ratio_EIS'], parameters['type_fuel_cell']
# Extraction of the Fourier results
Ucell_Fourier, ifc_Fourier = Fourier_results['Ucell_Fourier'], Fourier_results['ifc_Fourier']
f_Fourier = Fourier_results['f']
A_period_t, A, N = Fourier_results['A_period_t'], Fourier_results['A'], Fourier_results['N']
# Calculation of the real and imaginary component of the impedance for each period
Z0 = A / (ratio_EIS * (-i_EIS)) * 1e7 # Impedance of the perturbation in mΩ.cm². The sign of i is inverted to
# comply with the standards of EIS, which measure a device under load rather than a current source.
theta_U_t = np.angle(Ucell_Fourier[0:N // 2]) # Recovery of all dephasing values calculated by fft
theta_i_t = np.angle(ifc_Fourier[0:N // 2]) # Recovery of all dephasing values calculated by fft
theta_U = theta_U_t[np.argmax(A_period_t == A)] # Dephasing at the frequency of the perturbation
theta_i = theta_i_t[np.argmax(A_period_t == A)] # Dephasing at the frequency of the perturbation
Z_real = Z0 * np.cos(theta_U - theta_i) # Real component of the impedance for each period
Z_imag = Z0 * np.sin(theta_U - theta_i) # Imaginary component of the impedance for each period
# Plot the Nyquist diagram
ax.plot(Z_real, -Z_imag, 'o', color=colors(0), label='Nyquist diagram')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Z_{real}}$ $\mathbf{(m\Omega.cm^{2})}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{-Z_{imag}}$ $\mathbf{(m\Omega.cm^{2})}$', labelpad=3)
# Plot instructions
plot_EIS_Nyquist_instructions(type_fuel_cell, f_Fourier, Z_real, -Z_imag, ax)
plot_EIS_curve_tests(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, Fourier_results)
This function is used to test the accuracy of the EIS results. It compares the reconstructed Ucell_Fourier(t) from the Fourier transformation with the current density ifc(t), and displays Ucell(t) given by the model with the reconstructed Ucell_Fourier(t).
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_EIS_curve_tests(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, Fourier_results):
"""This function is used to test the accuracy of the EIS results. It compares the reconstructed Ucell_Fourier(t)
from the Fourier transformation with the current density ifc(t), and displays Ucell(t) given by the model with the
reconstructed Ucell_Fourier(t).
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
Fourier_results : dict
Dictionary containing the Fourier transformation (FT) of the cell voltage and the current density, all amplitude
values of the cell voltage calculated by the FT, the amplitude of the cell voltage at the frequency of the
perturbation, all frequency values used vy the FT, the frequency of the perturbation, and the number of points
used in the FT.
# Extraction of the variables
t, Ucell_t = np.array(variables['t']), variables['Ucell']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density = operating_inputs['current_density']
i_EIS, ratio_EIS = parameters['i_EIS'], parameters['ratio_EIS']
t_EIS, f_EIS = parameters['t_EIS'], parameters['f_EIS']
max_step = parameters['max_step']
# Extraction of the Fourier results
Ucell_Fourier, ifc_Fourier = Fourier_results['Ucell_Fourier'], Fourier_results['ifc_Fourier']
A_period_t, A = Fourier_results['A_period_t'], Fourier_results['A']
f, N = Fourier_results['f'], Fourier_results['N']
# Reconstructed Ucell with a cosinus form, and comparison of its form with the current density one.
t0_EIS, t_new_start_EIS, tf_EIS, delta_t_break_EIS, delta_t_measurement_EIS = t_EIS
f_power_min_EIS, f_power_max_EIS, nb_f_EIS, nb_points_EIS = f_EIS
n_inf = np.where(t_new_start_EIS <= t[0])[0][-1] # The number of frequency changes which has been made.
f_current = np.logspace(f_power_min_EIS, f_power_max_EIS, num=nb_f_EIS)
theta_U_t = np.angle(Ucell_Fourier[0:N // 2]) # Recovery of all dephasing values calculated by fft
theta_i_t = np.angle(ifc_Fourier[0:N // 2]) # Recovery of all dephasing values calculated by fft
theta_U = theta_U_t[np.argmax(A_period_t == A)] # Dephasing at the frequency of the perturbation
theta_i = theta_i_t[np.argmax(A_period_t == A)] # Dephasing at the frequency of the perturbation
print("Ucell:", round(A_period_t[0], 4), ' + ', round(A, 6), " * np.cos(2*np.pi*", round(f, 4), "*t + ",
round(theta_U, 4), "). ")
print("Current:", i_EIS, ' + ', ratio_EIS * i_EIS, " * np.cos(2*np.pi*", round(f_current[n_inf], 4), "*t + ",
round(theta_i, 4), "). \n")
# Display ifc(t)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
# Creation of ifc_t
n = len(t)
ifc_t = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n): # Conversion in A/cm²
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters) / 1e4
# Plot of ifc_t
plt.plot(t, ifc_t, color='blue', label='ifc')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Current density (A/cm²)')
plt.title('The current density\nbehaviour over time')
# Display Ucell(t) and compare it with the reconstructed Ucell_Fourier(t) from the Fourier transformation
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
Ucell_Fourier = A_period_t[0] + A * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f * t + theta_U)
plt.plot(t, Ucell_t, color='blue', label='Ucell')
plt.plot(t, Ucell_Fourier, color='black', label='Ucell_Fourier')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Cell voltage (V)')
plt.title('The cell voltage\nbehaviour over time')
plot_J(variables, parameters, ax)
This function plots the sorption and dissolved water flows as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_J(variables, parameters, ax):
"""This function plots the sorption and dissolved water flows as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the flows will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, S_sorp_acl_t, S_sorp_ccl_t = variables['t'], variables['S_sorp_acl'], variables['S_sorp_ccl'],
J_lambda_mem_acl_t, J_lambda_mem_ccl_t = variables['J_lambda_mem_acl'], variables['J_lambda_mem_ccl']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
Hcl = parameters['Hcl']
# Plot the sorption and dissolved water flows: J
J_sorp_acl, J_sorp_ccl = [x * Hcl for x in S_sorp_acl_t], [x * Hcl for x in S_sorp_ccl_t] # Conversion in
# mol.m⁻².s⁻¹ for comparison
ax.plot(t, J_sorp_acl, color=colors(2))
ax.plot(t, J_lambda_mem_acl_t, color=colors(3))
ax.plot(t, J_sorp_ccl, color=colors(4))
ax.plot(t, J_lambda_mem_ccl_t, color=colors(7))
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{J_{sorp,acl}}$', r'$\mathregular{J_{\lambda,mem,acl}}$', r'$\mathregular{J_{sorp,ccl}}$',
r'$\mathregular{J_{\lambda,mem,ccl}}$'], loc='best')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Flows}$ $\mathbf{J}$ $\mathbf{\left( mol.m^{-2}.s^{-1} \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.ticklabel_format(style='scientific', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0))
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.02 / 5))
plot_P(variables, ax)
This function plots the pressure at different spatial localisations as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_P(variables, ax):
"""This function plots the pressure at different spatial localisations as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the pressure will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, Pagc_t, Pcgc_t = variables['t'], variables['Pagc'], variables['Pcgc']
Pasm_t, Paem_t, Pcsm_t, Pcem_t = variables['Pasm'], variables['Paem'], variables['Pcsm'], variables['Pcem']
# Conversion in atm
Pagc_t, Pcgc_t, Pasm_t = [x / 1e5 for x in Pagc_t], [x / 1e5 for x in Pcgc_t], [x / 1e5 for x in Pasm_t]
Paem_t, Pcsm_t, Pcem_t = [x / 1e5 for x in Paem_t], [x / 1e5 for x in Pcsm_t], [x / 1e5 for x in Pcem_t]
# Plot the pressure at different spatial localisations: P
ax.plot(t, Pagc_t, color=colors(0))
ax.plot(t, Pcgc_t, color=colors(6))
ax.plot(t, Pasm_t, color=colors(7))
ax.plot(t, Paem_t, color=colors(8))
ax.plot(t, Pcsm_t, color=colors(9))
ax.plot(t, Pcem_t, color=colors(3))
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{P_{agc}}$', r'$\mathregular{P_{cgc}}$', r'$\mathregular{P_{asm}}$',
r'$\mathregular{P_{aem}}$', r'$\mathregular{P_{csm}}$', r'$\mathregular{P_{cem}}$'], loc='best')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Pressure}$ $\mathbf{P}$ $\mathbf{\left( bar \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.ticklabel_format(style='scientific', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0))
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5e-4 / 5))
ax.set_ylim(1.99980, 2.00015)
plot_Phi_a(variables, operating_inputs, ax)
This function plots the humidity at the anode side, at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_Phi_a(variables, operating_inputs, ax):
"""This function plots the humidity at the anode side, at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the humidity will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, C_v_agc_t = variables['t'], variables['C_v_agc']
Phi_asm_t, Phi_aem_t = variables['Phi_asm'], variables['Phi_aem']
# Extraction of the operating inputs
Tfc, Phi_a_des = operating_inputs['Tfc'], operating_inputs['Phi_a_des']
# Calculate the humidity Phi
Phi_agc_t = [0] * len(t)
for i in range(len(t)): Phi_agc_t[i] = C_v_agc_t[i] * R * Tfc / Psat(Tfc)
# Plot the humidity at different spatial localisations: Phi
ax.plot(t, Phi_agc_t, color=colors(0), label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{agc}}$')
ax.plot(t, Phi_asm_t, color=colors(1), label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{asm}}$')
ax.plot(t, Phi_aem_t, color=colors(2), label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{aem}}$')
ax.plot(t, [Phi_a_des]*len(t), color='black', label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{a,des}}$')
ax.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.67))
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Humidity}$ $\mathbf{at}$ $\mathbf{the}$ $\mathbf{anode}$ $\mathbf{side}$ $\mathbf{\Phi}$',
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.1 / 5))
plot_Phi_c(variables, operating_inputs, ax)
This function plots the humidity, at the cathode side, at different spatial localisations as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_Phi_c(variables, operating_inputs, ax):
"""This function plots the humidity, at the cathode side, at different spatial localisations as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the humidity will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, C_v_cgc_t = variables['t'], variables['C_v_cgc']
Phi_csm_t, Phi_cem_t = variables['Phi_csm'], variables['Phi_cem']
# Extraction of the operating inputs
Tfc, Phi_c_des = operating_inputs['Tfc'], operating_inputs['Phi_c_des']
# Calculate the humidity Phi
Phi_cgc_t = [0] * len(t)
for i in range(len(t)): Phi_cgc_t[i] = C_v_cgc_t[i] * R * Tfc / Psat(Tfc)
# Plot the humidity at different spatial localisations: Phi
ax.plot(t, Phi_cgc_t, color=colors(0), label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{cgc}}$')
ax.plot(t, Phi_csm_t, color=colors(1), label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{csm}}$')
ax.plot(t, Phi_cem_t, color=colors(2), label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{cem}}$')
ax.plot(t, [Phi_c_des]*len(t), color='black', label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{c,des}}$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Humidity}$ $\mathbf{at}$ $\mathbf{the}$ $\mathbf{cathode}$ $\mathbf{side}$ $\mathbf{\Phi}$',
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.1 / 5))
plot_Phi_des(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, ax)
This function plots the controlled or uncontrolled desired humidity at the anode and cathode as a function of the current density.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_Phi_des(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, ax):
"""This function plots the controlled or uncontrolled desired humidity at the anode and cathode as a function of the
current density.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the humidity will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t = variables['t']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density = operating_inputs['current_density']
if parameters['type_control'] == "Phi_des":
Phi_a_des, Phi_c_des = variables['Phi_a_des'], variables['Phi_c_des']
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Controlled}$ $\mathbf{inlet}$ $\mathbf{humidity}$ $\mathbf{\Phi_{des}}$', labelpad=3)
Phi_a_des, Phi_c_des = [operating_inputs['Phi_a_des']] * len(t), [operating_inputs['Phi_c_des']] * len(t)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Uncontrolled}$ $\mathbf{inlet}$ $\mathbf{humidity}$ $\mathbf{\Phi_{des}}$', labelpad=3)
# Plot Phi_des
n = len(t)
ifc_t = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n): # Creation of ifc_t
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters) / 1e4 # Conversion in A/cm²
ax.plot(ifc_t, Phi_c_des, color=colors(6), label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{c,des}}$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Current}$ $\mathbf{density}$ $\mathbf{i_{fc}}$ $\mathbf{\left( A.cm^{-2} \right)}$',
if parameters['type_auxiliary'] == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode" or \
parameters['type_auxiliary'] == "no_auxiliary":
ax.plot(t, Phi_a_des, color=colors(0), label=r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{a,des}}$')
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{a,des}}$', r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{c,des}}$'], loc='best')
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{\Phi_{c,des}}$'], loc='best')
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.2 / 5))
ax.set_xlim(0, 4.1)
plot_Ucell(variables, ax)
This function plots the cell voltage as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_Ucell(variables, ax):
"""This function plots the cell voltage as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the cell voltage will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, Ucell_t = variables['t'], variables['Ucell']
# Plot the cell voltage: Ucell
ax.plot(t, Ucell_t, color=colors(0), label=r'$\mathregular{U_{cell}}$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Cell}$ $\mathbf{voltage}$ $\mathbf{U_{cell}}$ $\mathbf{\left( V \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{U_{cell}}$'], loc='best')
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.05 / 5))
plot_cell_efficiency(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, n, ax)
This function plots the fuel cell efficiency eta_fc as a function of the current density.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_cell_efficiency(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, n, ax):
"""This function plots the fuel cell efficiency eta_fc as a function of the current density.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
n : int
Number of points used to plot the fuel cell efficiency.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the fuel cell efficiency will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, Ucell_t, lambda_mem_t = variables['t'], variables['Ucell'], variables['lambda_mem']
C_H2_acl_t, C_O2_ccl_t = variables['C_H2_acl'], variables['C_O2_ccl']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density, Tfc = operating_inputs['current_density'], operating_inputs['Tfc']
Hmem, kappa_co = parameters['Hmem'], parameters['kappa_co']
type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary = parameters['type_fuel_cell'], parameters['type_auxiliary']
type_control = parameters['type_control']
# Creation of the fuel cell efficiency: eta_fc
ifc_t, Pfc_t, eta_fc_t = np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters) / 1e4 # Conversion in A/cm²
Pfc_t[i] = Ucell_t[i] * ifc_t[i]
Ueq = E0 - 8.5e-4 * (Tfc - 298.15) + R * Tfc / (2 * F) * (np.log(R * Tfc * C_H2_acl_t[i] / Pref) +
0.5 * np.log(R * Tfc * C_O2_ccl_t[i] / Pref))
i_H2 = 2 * F * R * Tfc / Hmem * C_H2_acl_t[i] * k_H2(lambda_mem_t[i], Tfc, kappa_co)
i_O2 = 4 * F * R * Tfc / Hmem * C_O2_ccl_t[i] * k_O2(lambda_mem_t[i], Tfc, kappa_co)
i_n = (i_H2 + i_O2) / 1e4 # Conversion in A/cm²
eta_fc_t[i] = Pfc_t[i] / (Ueq * (ifc_t[i] + i_n))
# Plot of the fuel cell efficiency: eta_fc
plot_specific_line(ifc_t, eta_fc_t, type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary, type_control, None, ax)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Current}$ $\mathbf{density}$ $\mathbf{i_{fc}}$ $\mathbf{\left( A.cm^{-2} \right)}$',
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Fuel}$ $\mathbf{cell}$ $\mathbf{efficiency}$ $\mathbf{\eta_{fc}}$', labelpad=0)
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.1 / 5))
ax.set_xlim(0, 4.1)
ax.set_ylim(0, 0.7)
This function adds the common instructions for all the plots displayed by AlphaPEM to the ax object.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_general_instructions(ax):
"""This function adds the common instructions for all the plots displayed by AlphaPEM to the ax object.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the instructions will be added.
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', size=10, width=1.5, direction='out')
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', size=5, width=1.5, direction='out')
plt.tight_layout() # Adjust layout to prevent overlap between labels and the figure
plt.show() # Show the figure
plot_ifc(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, n, ax)
This function plots the current density as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_ifc(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, n, ax):
"""This function plots the current density as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
n : int
Number of points used to plot the current density.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the current density will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t = variables['t']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density = operating_inputs['current_density']
# Plot the current density: ifc
ifc_t = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n): # Creation of ifc_t
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters) / 10000 # Conversion in A/cm²
ax.plot(t, ifc_t, color=colors(0), label=r'$\mathregular{i_{fc}}$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Current}$ $\mathbf{density}$ $\mathbf{i_{fc}}$ $\mathbf{\left( A.cm^{-2} \right)}$',
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{i_{fc}}$'], loc='best')
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5 / 5))
plot_lambda(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, ax)
This function plots the water content at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_lambda(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, ax):
"""This function plots the water content at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the water content will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, lambda_acl_t = variables['t'], variables['lambda_acl']
lambda_mem_t, lambda_ccl_t = variables['lambda_mem'], variables['lambda_ccl']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density = operating_inputs['current_density']
type_current = parameters['type_current']
# Plot the water content at different spatial localisations: lambda
if type_current == "polarization":
n = len(t)
ifc_t = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n): # Creation of i_fc
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters) / 1e4 # Conversion in A/cm²
ax.plot(ifc_t, lambda_acl_t, color=colors(2))
ax.plot(ifc_t, lambda_mem_t, color=colors(3))
ax.plot(ifc_t, lambda_ccl_t, color=colors(4))
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Current}$ $\mathbf{density}$ $\mathbf{i_{fc}}$ $\mathbf{\left( A.cm^{-2} \right)}$',
ax.plot(t, lambda_acl_t, color=colors(2))
ax.plot(t, lambda_mem_t, color=colors(3))
ax.plot(t, lambda_ccl_t, color=colors(4))
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Water}$ $\mathbf{content}$ $\mathbf{\lambda}$', labelpad=3)
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{\lambda_{acl}}$', r'$\mathregular{\lambda_{mem}}$',
r'$\mathregular{\lambda_{ccl}}$'], loc='best')
# Plot instructions
if type_current == "polarization":
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5 / 5))
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(3 / 5))
plot_pola_instructions(type_fuel_cell, ax)
This function adds the specific instructions for polarisation plots according to the type_input to the ax object.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_pola_instructions(type_fuel_cell, ax):
"""This function adds the specific instructions for polarisation plots according to the type_input to the ax object.
type_fuel_cell : str
Type of fuel cell configuration.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the instructions will be added.
# For EH-31 fuel cell
if type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_1.5" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.0" or \
type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.25" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.5":
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.1 / 5))
ax.set_xlim(0, 3.0)
ax.set_ylim(0.4, 1.04)
# For LF fuel cell
elif type_fuel_cell == "LF":
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.4 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.2 / 5))
ax.set_xlim(-0.05, 1.6)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.0)
# For other fuel cell
plot_polarisation_curve(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, ax)
This function plots the model polarisation curve, and compare it to the experimental one (if it exists). The polarisation curve is a classical representation of the cell performances, showing the cell voltage as a function of the current density. To generate it, the current density is increased step by step, and the cell voltage is recorded at each step. The time for which this point is captured is determined using the following approach: at the beginning of each load, a delta_t_load_pola time is needed to raise the current density to its next value. Subsequently, a delta_t_break_pola time is observed to ensure the dynamic stability of the stack's variables before initiating a new load. Ideally, each polarisation point should be recorded at the end of each delta_t_break_pola time. However, due to the design of the increments to minimize program instability (as observed in step_current function), the end of each delta_t_break_pola time corresponds to the beginning of a new load. To ensure a stationary operation and accurate polarisation point measurements, it is recommended to take the polarisation point just before by subtracting a delta_t value from it. This adjustment allows for stable and consistent measurements during the stationary period.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_polarisation_curve(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, ax):
This function plots the model polarisation curve, and compare it to the experimental one (if it exists). The
polarisation curve is a classical representation of the cell performances, showing the cell voltage as a function
of the current density.
To generate it, the current density is increased step by step, and the cell voltage is recorded at each step.
The time for which this point is captured is determined using the following approach: at the beginning of each load,
a delta_t_load_pola time is needed to raise the current density to its next value. Subsequently, a delta_t_break_pola
time is observed to ensure the dynamic stability of the stack's variables before initiating a new load. Ideally,
each polarisation point should be recorded at the end of each delta_t_break_pola time. However, due to the design of the
increments to minimize program instability (as observed in step_current function), the end of each delta_t_break_pola
time corresponds to the beginning of a new load. To ensure a stationary operation and accurate polarisation point
measurements, it is recommended to take the polarisation point just before by subtracting a delta_t value from it.
This adjustment allows for stable and consistent measurements during the stationary period.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the polarisation curve will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, Ucell_t = np.array(variables['t']), np.array(variables['Ucell'])
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density = operating_inputs['current_density']
t_step, i_step, i_max_pola = parameters['t_step'], parameters['i_step'], parameters['i_max_pola']
delta_pola = parameters['delta_pola']
i_EIS, t_EIS, f_EIS = parameters['i_EIS'], parameters['t_EIS'], parameters['f_EIS']
type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary = parameters['type_fuel_cell'], parameters['type_auxiliary']
type_control, type_plot = parameters['type_control'], parameters['type_plot']
if type_plot == "fixed":
# Creation of ifc_t
n = len(t)
ifc_t = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters) / 1e4 # Conversion in A/cm²
# Recovery of ifc and Ucell from the model after each stack stabilisation
delta_t_load_pola, delta_t_break_pola, delta_i_pola, delta_t_ini_pola = delta_pola
nb_loads = int(i_max_pola / delta_i_pola + 1) # Number of loads which are made
ifc_discretized = np.zeros(nb_loads)
Ucell_discretized = np.zeros(nb_loads)
for i in range(nb_loads):
t_load = delta_t_ini_pola + (i + 1) * (delta_t_load_pola + delta_t_break_pola) - delta_t_break_pola / 10
# # time for measurement
idx = (np.abs(t - t_load)).argmin() # the corresponding index
ifc_discretized[i] = ifc_t[idx] # the last value at the end of each load
Ucell_discretized[i] = Ucell_t[idx] # the last value at the end of each load
# Plot the experimental polarization curve and calculate the simulation error compared with experimental data
if type_fuel_cell != "manual_setup" and \
type_auxiliary == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode": # Experimental points are accessible
# Plot of the experimental polarization curve
i_exp_t, U_exp_t = pola_exp_values(type_fuel_cell)
plot_experimental_polarisation_curve(type_fuel_cell, i_exp_t, U_exp_t, ax)
# Calculate the simulation error compared with experimental data
# i_fc and Ucell are reduced to remain within experimental limits for comparison
i_fc_reduced = ifc_discretized[(ifc_discretized >= i_exp_t[0]) & (ifc_discretized <= i_exp_t[-1])]
Ucell_reduced = Ucell_discretized[(ifc_discretized >= i_exp_t[0]) & (ifc_discretized <= i_exp_t[-1])]
# Experimental points are interpolated to correspond to the model points
U_exp_interpolated = interp1d(i_exp_t, U_exp_t, kind='linear')(i_fc_reduced)
sim_error = calculate_simulation_error(Ucell_reduced, U_exp_interpolated)
sim_error = None
# Plot the model polarisation curve
plot_specific_line(ifc_discretized, Ucell_discretized, type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary, type_control, sim_error,
plot_pola_instructions(type_fuel_cell, ax)
else: # type_plot == "dynamic"
# Plot of the polarisation curve produced by the model
delta_t_load_pola, delta_t_break_pola, delta_i_pola, delta_t_ini_pola = delta_pola
idx = (np.abs(t - t[-1] + delta_t_break_pola / 10)).argmin() # index for polarisation measurement
ifc = np.array(current_density(t[idx], parameters) / 1e4) # time for polarisation measurement
Ucell = np.array(Ucell_t[idx]) # voltage measurement
ax.plot(ifc, Ucell, 'og', markersize=2)
# Add the common instructions for the plot
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Current}$ $\mathbf{density}$ $\mathbf{i_{fc}}$ $\mathbf{\left( A.cm^{-2} \right)}$',
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Cell}$ $\mathbf{voltage}$ $\mathbf{U_{cell}}$ $\mathbf{\left( V \right)}$', labelpad=3)
if type_plot == "fixed":
plot_power_density_curve(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, n, ax)
This function plots the power density curve Pfc, produced by a cell, as a function of the current density.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_power_density_curve(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, n, ax):
"""This function plots the power density curve Pfc, produced by a cell, as a function of the current density.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
n : int
Number of points used to plot the power density curve.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the power density curve will be plotted.
# Extraction of the variables
t, Ucell_t = variables['t'], variables['Ucell']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density = operating_inputs['current_density']
type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary = parameters['type_fuel_cell'], parameters['type_auxiliary']
type_control = parameters['type_control']
# Creation of the power density function: Pfc
ifc_t, Pfc_t = np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters) / 1e4 # Conversion in A/cm²
Pfc_t[i] = Ucell_t[i] * ifc_t[i]
# Plot of the power density function: Pfc
plot_specific_line(ifc_t, Pfc_t, type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary, type_control, None, ax)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Current}$ $\mathbf{density}$ $\mathbf{i_{fc}}$ $\mathbf{\left( A.cm^{-2} \right)}$',
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Fuel}$ $\mathbf{cell}$ $\mathbf{power}$ $\mathbf{density}$ $\mathbf{P_{fc}}$ $\mathbf{\left( W.cm^{-2} \right)}$',
# Plot instructions
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.3 / 5))
ax.set_xlim(0, 4.1)
ax.set_ylim(0, 2.1)
plot_s(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, ax)
This function plots the liquid water saturation at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_s(variables, operating_inputs, parameters, ax):
"""This function plots the liquid water saturation at different spatial localisations, as a function of time.
variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the liquid water saturation will be plotted.
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
current_density = operating_inputs['current_density']
n_gdl, type_current = parameters['n_gdl'], parameters['type_current']
# Extraction of the variables
t, s_agdl_t, s_acl_t = variables['t'], variables[f's_agdl_{n_gdl // 2}'], variables['s_acl']
s_ccl_t, s_cgdl_t = variables['s_ccl'], variables[f's_cgdl_{n_gdl // 2}']
# Plot the liquid water saturation at different spatial localisations: s
if type_current == "polarization":
n = len(t)
ifc_t = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n): # Creation of i_fc
ifc_t[i] = current_density(t[i], parameters) / 1e4 # Conversion in A/cm²
ax.plot(ifc_t, s_agdl_t, color=colors(1))
ax.plot(ifc_t, s_acl_t, color=colors(2))
ax.plot(ifc_t, s_ccl_t, color=colors(4))
ax.plot(ifc_t, s_cgdl_t, color=colors(5))
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Current}$ $\mathbf{density}$ $\mathbf{i_{fc}}$ $\mathbf{\left( A.cm^{-2} \right)}$',
ax.plot(t, s_agdl_t, color=colors(1))
ax.plot(t, s_acl_t, color=colors(2))
ax.plot(t, s_ccl_t, color=colors(4))
ax.plot(t, s_cgdl_t, color=colors(5))
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{Time}$ $\mathbf{t}$ $\mathbf{\left( s \right)}$', labelpad=3)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathbf{Liquid}$ $\mathbf{water}$ $\mathbf{saturation}$ $\mathbf{s}$', labelpad=3)
ax.legend([r'$\mathregular{s_{agdl}}$', r'$\mathregular{s_{acl}}$',
r'$\mathregular{s_{ccl}}$', r'$\mathregular{s_{cgdl}}$'], loc='best')
# Plot instructions
if type_current == "polarization":
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5 / 5))
ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(200 / 5))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.04 / 5))
plot_specific_line(x, y, type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary, type_control, sim_error, ax)
This function adds the appropriate plot configuration according to the type_input to the ax object.
Parameters: |
Source code in modules/display_modules.py
def plot_specific_line(x, y, type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary, type_control, sim_error, ax):
""" This function adds the appropriate plot configuration according to the type_input to the ax object.
x : numpy.ndarray
x-axis values.
y : numpy.ndarray
y-axis values.
type_fuel_cell : str
Type of fuel cell configuration.
type_auxiliary : str
Type of auxiliary system.
type_control : str
Type of control system.
sim_error : float
Simulation error between the simulated cell voltage and the experimental cell voltage (in %).
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes on which the line will be plotted.
# For EH-31 fuel cell
if type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_1.5" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.0" or type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.25" or \
type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.5":
if type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_1.5" and type_auxiliary == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(0), label='Sim. - P = 1.5 bar' + r' - $ΔU_{max}$ =' f' {sim_error} %')
elif type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_1.5" and type_auxiliary != "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(0), label='Sim. - P = 1.5 bar')
elif type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.0" and type_auxiliary == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
ax.plot(x, y, '--', color=colors(1),
label='Sim. - P = 2.0 bar' + r' - $ΔU_{max}$ =' f' {sim_error} %')
elif type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.0" and type_auxiliary != "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
if type_control == "Phi_des":
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(5),
label=r'Sim. - P = 2.0 bar - controlled $\mathregular{\Phi_{des}}$')
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(1),
label=r'Sim. - P = 2.0 bar - uncontrolled $\mathregular{\Phi_{des}}$')
elif type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.25" and type_auxiliary == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
ax.plot(x, y, '--', color=colors(2),
label='Sim. - P = 2.25 bar' + r' - $ΔU_{max}$ =' f' {sim_error} %')
elif type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.25" and type_auxiliary != "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(2), label='Sim. - P = 2.25 bar')
elif type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.5" and type_auxiliary == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(3), label='Sim - P = 2.5 bar' + r' - $ΔU_{max}$ =' f' {sim_error} %')
elif type_fuel_cell == "EH-31_2.5" and type_auxiliary != "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(3), label='Sim - P = 2.5 bar')
# For LF fuel cell
elif type_fuel_cell == "LF":
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(0), label='Simulation')
# For other fuel cell
ax.plot(x, y, color=colors(0), label='Simulation')