Differential equations modules
This module is used to determine intermediate values for the calculation of the differential equations and to implement integration events.
desired_flows(solver_variables, control_variables, i_n, i_fc, operating_inputs, parameters, Mext)
This function calculates the desired flow for the air compressor and the humidifiers. These desired flow are different from the real ones as the corresponding machines takes time to reach the desired values.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in modules/dif_eq_modules.py
def desired_flows(solver_variables, control_variables, i_n, i_fc, operating_inputs, parameters, Mext):
This function calculates the desired flow for the air compressor and the humidifiers. These desired flow are
different from the real ones as the corresponding machines takes time to reach the desired values.
solver_variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
control_variables : dict
Variables controlled by the user.
i_n : float
Internal current density (A/m²).
i_fc : float
Fuel cell current density (A/m²).
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
Mext : float
Molar mass of the ambient air outside the stack (kg/mol).
Wcp_des : float
Desired air compressor flow rate (kg/s).
Wa_inj_des : float
Desired humidifier flow rate at the anode side (kg/s).
Wc_inj_des : float
Desired humidifier flow rate at the cathode side (kg/s).
# Extraction of the variables
Pasm, Pcsm, Wcp = solver_variables['Pasm'], solver_variables['Pcsm'], solver_variables['Wcp']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
Tfc, Sa, Sc = operating_inputs['Tfc'], operating_inputs['Sa'], operating_inputs['Sc']
Phi_a_des, Phi_c_des = control_variables['Phi_a_des'], control_variables['Phi_c_des']
Aact, type_auxiliary = parameters['Aact'], parameters['type_auxiliary']
if type_auxiliary == "forced-convective_cathode_with_anodic_recirculation" or \
type_auxiliary == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
# Intermediate values
Prd = Pasm
Pcp = Pcsm
# The desired air compressor flow rate Wcp_des (kg.s-1)
Wcp_des = n_cell * Mext * Pext / (Pext - Phi_ext * Psat(Text)) * \
1 / yO2_ext * Sc * (i_fc + i_n) / (4 * F) * Aact
# The desired humidifier flow rate at the anode side Wa_v_inj_des (kg.s-1)
Wrd = n_cell * M_H2 * Sa * (i_fc + i_n) / (2 * F) * Aact
Wa_inj_des = (M_H2O * Phi_a_des * Psat(Tfc) / (Prd + Phi_a_des * Psat(Tfc)) /
(1 - Phi_a_des * Psat(Tfc) / (Prd + Phi_a_des * Psat(Tfc))) * (Wrd / M_H2))
# The desired humidifier flow rate at the cathode side Wc_inj_des (kg.s-1)
Wv_hum_in = M_H2O * Phi_ext * Psat(Text) / Pext * (Wcp / Mext) # Vapor flow rate from the outside
Wc_v_des = M_H2O * Phi_c_des * Psat(Tfc) / Pcp * (Wcp / Mext) # Desired vapor flow rate
Wc_inj_des = Wc_v_des - Wv_hum_in # Desired humidifier flow rate
else: # elif type_auxiliary == "no_auxiliary":
Wcp_des, Wa_inj_des, Wc_inj_des = 0, 0, 0
return Wcp_des, Wa_inj_des, Wc_inj_des
dif_eq_int_values(solver_variables, control_variables, operating_inputs, parameters)
This functions calculates intermediate values for the calculation of the differential equations
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in modules/dif_eq_modules.py
def dif_eq_int_values(solver_variables, control_variables, operating_inputs, parameters):
"""This functions calculates intermediate values for the calculation of the differential equations
solver_variables : dict
Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
control_variables : dict
Variables controlled by the user.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
Mext : float
Molar mass of the ambient air outside the stack (kg/mol).
Pagc : float
Global pressure in the anode gas channel (Pa).
Pcgc : float
Global pressure in the cathode gas channel (Pa).
i_n : float
Internal current density (A/m²).
Masm : float
Molar mass of all the gas species in the anode supply manifold (kg/mol).
Maem : float
Molar mass of all the gas species in the anode external manifold (kg/mol).
Mcsm : float
Molar mass of all the gas species in the cathode supply manifold (kg/mol).
Mcem : float
Molar mass of all the gas species in the cathode external manifold (kg/mol).
rho_H2O(Tfc) : float
Density of water vapor at the fuel cell temperature (kg/m³).
# Extraction of the variables
C_v_agc, C_v_cgc = solver_variables['C_v_agc'], solver_variables['C_v_cgc']
C_H2_agc, C_H2_acl = solver_variables['C_H2_agc'], solver_variables['C_H2_acl']
C_O2_ccl, C_O2_cgc, C_N2 = solver_variables['C_O2_ccl'], solver_variables['C_O2_cgc'], solver_variables['C_N2']
lambda_mem, Pasm = solver_variables['lambda_mem'], solver_variables['Pasm']
Paem, Pcsm, Pcem = solver_variables['Paem'], solver_variables['Pcsm'], solver_variables['Pcem']
# Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
Tfc, Phi_c_des = operating_inputs['Tfc'], control_variables['Phi_c_des']
Hmem, kappa_co = parameters['Hmem'], parameters['kappa_co']
# Physical quantities outside the stack
# Molar masses
Mext = Phi_ext * Psat(Text) / Pext * M_H2O + \
yO2_ext * (1 - Phi_ext * Psat(Text) / Pext) * M_O2 + \
(1 - yO2_ext) * (1 - Phi_ext * Psat(Text) / Pext) * M_N2
# Physical quantities inside the stack
# Pressures
Pagc = (C_v_agc + C_H2_agc) * R * Tfc
Pcgc = (C_v_cgc + C_O2_cgc + C_N2) * R * Tfc
# Humidities
Phi_agc = C_v_agc / C_v_sat(Tfc)
Phi_cgc = C_v_cgc / C_v_sat(Tfc)
# Oxygen ratio in dry air
y_c = C_O2_cgc / (C_O2_cgc + C_N2)
# Internal current density
i_H2 = 2 * F * R * Tfc / Hmem * C_H2_acl * k_H2(lambda_mem, Tfc, kappa_co)
i_O2 = 4 * F * R * Tfc / Hmem * C_O2_ccl * k_O2(lambda_mem, Tfc, kappa_co)
i_n = i_H2 + i_O2
# Physical quantities inside the auxiliary system
if parameters["type_auxiliary"] == "forced-convective_cathode_with_anodic_recirculation" or \
parameters["type_auxiliary"] == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
# Pressure
Pp = Pasm
# Humidities
Phi_aem = Phi_agc * Paem / Pagc
Phi_asm = Phi_aem * Pp / Paem
Phi_cem = Phi_cgc * Pcem / Pcgc
# Molar masses
Masm = Phi_asm * Psat(Tfc) / Pasm * M_H2O + \
(1 - Phi_asm * Psat(Tfc) / Pasm) * M_H2
Maem = Phi_aem * Psat(Tfc) / Paem * M_H2O + \
(1 - Phi_aem * Psat(Tfc) / Paem) * M_H2
Mcsm = Phi_c_des * Psat(Tfc) / Pcsm * M_H2O + \
yO2_ext * (1 - Phi_c_des * Psat(Tfc) / Pcsm) * M_O2 + \
(1 - yO2_ext) * (1 - Phi_c_des * Psat(Tfc) / Pcsm) * M_N2
Mcem = Phi_cem * Psat(Tfc) / Pcem * M_H2O + \
y_c * (1 - Phi_cem * Psat(Tfc) / Pcem) * M_O2 + \
(1 - y_c) * (1 - Phi_cem * Psat(Tfc) / Pcem) * M_N2
else: # parameters["type_auxiliary"] == "no_auxiliary"
Masm, Maem, Mcsm, Mcem = [0] * 4
return Mext, Pagc, Pcgc, i_n, Masm, Maem, Mcsm, Mcem, rho_H2O(Tfc)
event_negative(t, y, operating_inputs, parameters, solver_variable_names, control_variables)
This function creates an event that will be checked at each step of solve_ivp integration. The integration stops if one of the crucial variables (C_v, lambda, C_O2, C_H2) becomes negative (or smaller than 1e-5).
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in modules/dif_eq_modules.py
def event_negative(t, y, operating_inputs, parameters, solver_variable_names, control_variables):
"""This function creates an event that will be checked at each step of solve_ivp integration. The integration stops
if one of the crucial variables (C_v, lambda, C_O2, C_H2) becomes negative (or smaller than 1e-5).
t : float
Time (s).
y : numpy.ndarray
Numpy list of the solver variables.
operating_inputs : dict
Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
parameters : dict
Parameters of the fuel cell model.
solver_variable_names : list
Names of the solver variables.
control_variables : dict
Variables controlled by the user.
The difference between the minimum value of the crucial variables and 1e-5.
negative_solver_variables = {} # Dictionary to store the crucial variables
for index, key in enumerate(solver_variable_names):
if (key.startswith("C_v_")) or (key.startswith("lambda_")) or \
(key.startswith("C_O2_")) or (key.startswith("C_H2_")):
negative_solver_variables[key] = y[index]
return min(negative_solver_variables.values()) - 1e-5 # 1e-5 is a control parameter to stop the program before