Auxiliaries modules

This module is used to calculate intermediate values for the auxiliaries flows calculation.

auxiliaries_int_values(t, solver_variables, operating_inputs, parameters)

This functions calculates intermediate values for the auxiliaries flows calculation.

  • t (float) –

    Time (s).

  • solver_variables (dict) –

    Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.

  • operating_inputs (dict) –

    Operating inputs of the fuel cell.

  • parameters (dict) –

    Parameters of the fuel cell model.

  • Mext( float ) –

    Molar mass of the ambient air outside the stack (kg/mol).

  • Pagc( float ) –

    Global pressure in the anode gas channel (Pa).

  • Pcgc( float ) –

    Global pressure in the cathode gas channel (Pa).

  • Phi_agc( float ) –

    Relative humidity in the anode gas channel.

  • Phi_cgc( float ) –

    Relative humidity in the cathode gas channel.

  • y_cgc( float ) –

    Oxygen ratio in dry air in the cathode gas channel.

  • Magc( float ) –

    Molar mass of all the gas species in the anode gas channel (kg/mol).

  • Mcgc( float ) –

    Molar mass of all the gas species in the cathode gas channel (kg/mol).

  • Pr_aem( float ) –

    Pressure ratio in the anode external manifold.

  • Pr_cem( float ) –

    Pressure ratio in the cathode external manifold.

  • Maem( float ) –

    Molar mass of all the gas species in the anode external manifold (kg/mol).

  • Masm( float ) –

    Molar mass of all the gas species in the anode supply manifold (kg/mol).

  • Mcem( float ) –

    Molar mass of all the gas species in the cathode external manifold (kg/mol).

  • Mcsm( float ) –

    Molar mass of all the gas species in the cathode supply manifold (kg/mol).

  • k_purge( float ) –

    Purge coefficient. It is equal to 1 if the purge is active and 0 otherwise.

  • Abp_a( float ) –

    Area of the back pressure valve in the anode external manifold (m²).

  • Abp_c( float ) –

    Area of the back pressure valve in the cathode external manifold (m²).

  • i_n( float ) –

    Internal current density (A/m²).

Source code in modules/
def auxiliaries_int_values(t, solver_variables, operating_inputs, parameters):
    """This functions calculates intermediate values for the auxiliaries flows calculation.

    t : float
        Time (s).
    solver_variables : dict
        Variables calculated by the solver. They correspond to the fuel cell internal states.
    operating_inputs : dict
        Operating inputs of the fuel cell.
    parameters : dict
        Parameters of the fuel cell model.

    Mext : float
        Molar mass of the ambient air outside the stack (kg/mol).
    Pagc : float
        Global pressure in the anode gas channel (Pa).
    Pcgc : float
        Global pressure in the cathode gas channel (Pa).
    Phi_agc : float
        Relative humidity in the anode gas channel.
    Phi_cgc : float
        Relative humidity in the cathode gas channel.
    y_cgc : float
        Oxygen ratio in dry air in the cathode gas channel.
    Magc : float
        Molar mass of all the gas species in the anode gas channel (kg/mol).
    Mcgc : float
        Molar mass of all the gas species in the cathode gas channel (kg/mol).
    Pr_aem : float
        Pressure ratio in the anode external manifold.
    Pr_cem : float
        Pressure ratio in the cathode external manifold.
    Maem : float
        Molar mass of all the gas species in the anode external manifold (kg/mol).
    Masm : float
        Molar mass of all the gas species in the anode supply manifold (kg/mol).
    Mcem : float
        Molar mass of all the gas species in the cathode external manifold (kg/mol).
    Mcsm : float
        Molar mass of all the gas species in the cathode supply manifold (kg/mol).
    k_purge : float
        Purge coefficient. It is equal to 1 if the purge is active and 0 otherwise.
    Abp_a : float
        Area of the back pressure valve in the anode external manifold (m²).
    Abp_c : float
        Area of the back pressure valve in the cathode external manifold (m²).
    i_n : float
        Internal current density (A/m²).

    # Extraction of the variables
    C_v_agc, C_v_cgc = solver_variables['C_v_agc'], solver_variables['C_v_cgc']
    lambda_mem = solver_variables['lambda_mem']
    C_H2_agc, C_H2_acl = solver_variables['C_H2_agc'], solver_variables['C_H2_acl']
    C_N2, C_O2_ccl, C_O2_cgc = solver_variables['C_N2'], solver_variables['C_O2_ccl'], solver_variables['C_O2_cgc']
    Pasm, Paem, Pcsm = solver_variables['Pasm'], solver_variables['Paem'], solver_variables['Pcsm']
    Pcem, Phi_asm, Phi_aem = solver_variables['Pcem'], solver_variables['Phi_asm'], solver_variables['Phi_aem']
    Phi_csm, Phi_cem = solver_variables['Phi_csm'], solver_variables['Phi_cem']
    Abp_a, Abp_c = solver_variables['Abp_a'], solver_variables['Abp_c']
    # Extraction of the operating inputs and the parameters
    Tfc, Pa_des, Pc_des = operating_inputs['Tfc'], operating_inputs['Pa_des'], operating_inputs['Pc_des']
    Hmem, kappa_co = parameters['Hmem'], parameters['kappa_co']
    t_purge, type_purge = parameters['t_purge'], parameters['type_purge']

    # Molar mass of the ambient air
    Mext = Phi_ext * Psat(Text) / Pext * M_H2O + \
           yO2_ext * (1 - Phi_ext * Psat(Text) / Pext) * M_O2 + \
           (1 - yO2_ext) * (1 - Phi_ext * Psat(Text) / Pext) * M_N2

    # Physical quantities inside the stack
    #       Pressures
    Pagc = (C_v_agc + C_H2_agc) * R * Tfc
    Pcgc = (C_v_cgc + C_O2_cgc + C_N2) * R * Tfc
    #       Humidities
    Phi_agc = C_v_agc / C_v_sat(Tfc)
    Phi_cgc = C_v_cgc / C_v_sat(Tfc)
    #       Oxygen ratio in dry air
    y_cgc = C_O2_cgc / (C_O2_cgc + C_N2)
    #       Molar masses
    Magc = C_v_agc * R * Tfc / Pagc * M_H2O + \
           C_H2_agc * R * Tfc / Pagc * M_H2
    Mcgc = Phi_cgc * Psat(Tfc) / Pcgc * M_H2O + \
           y_cgc * (1 - Phi_cgc * Psat(Tfc) / Pcgc) * M_O2 + \
           (1 - y_cgc) * (1 - Phi_cgc * Psat(Tfc) / Pcgc) * M_N2

    # Internal current density
    i_H2 = 2 * F * R * Tfc / Hmem * C_H2_acl * k_H2(lambda_mem, Tfc, kappa_co)
    i_O2 = 4 * F * R * Tfc / Hmem * C_O2_ccl * k_O2(lambda_mem, Tfc, kappa_co)
    i_n = i_H2 + i_O2

    # Physical quantities in the auxiliary system
    if parameters["type_auxiliary"] == "forced-convective_cathode_with_anodic_recirculation" or \
       parameters["type_auxiliary"] == "forced-convective_cathode_with_flow-through_anode":
        # Pressure ratios
        Pr_aem = (Pext / Paem)
        Pr_cem = (Pext / Pcem)
        # Oxygen ratio in dry air
        y_cem = (Pcem - Phi_cem * Psat(Tfc) - C_N2 * R * Tfc) / (Pcem - Phi_cem * Psat(Tfc))
        # Molar masses
        Maem = Phi_aem * Psat(Tfc) / Paem * M_H2O + \
               (1 - Phi_aem * Psat(Tfc) / Paem) * M_H2
        Masm = Phi_asm * Psat(Tfc) / Pasm * M_H2O + \
               (1 - Phi_asm * Psat(Tfc) / Pasm) * M_H2
        Mcem = Phi_cem * Psat(Tfc) / Pcem * M_H2O + \
               y_cem * (1 - Phi_cem * Psat(Tfc) / Pcem) * M_O2 + \
               (1 - y_cem) * (1 - Phi_cem * Psat(Tfc) / Pcem) * M_N2
        Mcsm = Phi_csm * Psat(Tfc) / Pcsm * M_H2O + \
               yO2_ext * (1 - Phi_csm * Psat(Tfc) / Pcsm) * M_O2 + \
               (1 - yO2_ext) * (1 - Phi_csm * Psat(Tfc) / Pcsm) * M_N2
        # Purge
        if type_purge == "no_purge":
            k_purge = 0
        elif type_purge == "constant_purge":
            k_purge = 1
        elif type_purge == "periodic_purge":
            purge_time, delta_purge = t_purge
            if (t - int(t / (purge_time + delta_purge)) * (purge_time + delta_purge)) <= purge_time:
                k_purge = 1
                k_purge = 0
            raise ValueError("The type_purge variable should be correctly referenced.")
        # Back pressure valve area
        if Abp_a > A_T:
            Abp_a = A_T
        elif Abp_a < 0:
            Abp_a = 0
        if Abp_c > A_T:
            Abp_c = A_T
        elif Abp_c < 0:
            Abp_c = 0
    else:  # parameters["type_auxiliary"] == "no_auxiliary"
        Pr_aem, Pr_cem, Maem, Masm, Mcem, Mcsm, k_purge, Abp_a, Abp_c = [0] * 9

    return (Mext, Pagc, Pcgc, Phi_agc, Phi_cgc, y_cgc, Magc, Mcgc, Pr_aem, Pr_cem, Maem, Masm, Mcem, Mcsm,
            k_purge, Abp_a, Abp_c, i_n)