Current densities
This file contains the functions that generate the current densities for the simulation.
EIS_current(t, parameters)
Represents a current density used for creating an EIS curve and Bode diagrams. The current density is first equilibrated at i_EIS A.m-2 from 0 to t0_EIS seconds using a step increase. Then, a sinusoidal perturbation is added to the current density. This perturbation has an amplitude of (ratio_EIS * i_EIS) A.m-2 and a frequency of f[n_inf] Hz.
t : float Time in seconds. parameters : dict A dictionary containing the parameters for the current density function.
i_fc : float The polarization current density at time t.
Source code in configuration/
def EIS_current(t, parameters):
Represents a current density used for creating an EIS curve and Bode diagrams.
The current density is first equilibrated at i_EIS A.m-2 from 0 to t0_EIS seconds using a step increase.
Then, a sinusoidal perturbation is added to the current density. This perturbation has an amplitude of
(ratio_EIS * i_EIS) A.m-2 and a frequency of f[n_inf] Hz.
t : float
Time in seconds.
parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the parameters for the current density function.
i_fc : float
The polarization current density at time t.
# Initialisation
i_EIS, ratio_EIS = parameters['i_EIS'], parameters['ratio_EIS'] # (A/m², ). i_EIS is the current for which a
# ratio_EIS perturbation is added.
t0_EIS, t_new_start_EIS, tf_EIS, delta_t_break_EIS, delta_t_measurement_EIS = parameters['t_EIS'] # It is the initial
# EIS time after stack equilibrium, a list of time parameters which gives the beginning of each frequency
# change, the final time, a list of time parameters which gives the estimated time for reaching equilibrium
# at each frequency, and a list of time parameters which gives the estimated time for measuring the voltage
# response at each frequency.
f_power_min_EIS, f_power_max_EIS, nb_f_EIS, nb_points_EIS = parameters['f_EIS'] # It is the power of the initial
# frequency: f_min_EIS = 10**f_power_min_EIS, the power of the final frequency, the number of frequencies
# tested and the number of points calculated per specific period.
f = np.logspace(f_power_min_EIS, f_power_max_EIS, num=nb_f_EIS) # It is a list of all the frequency tested,
# ranged logarithmically.
# Current density for the EIS curve
if t < t0_EIS:
delta_t_ini = t0_EIS / 4 # s. It is the required time for elevating i_fc from 0 to i_EIS without starving the
# cell.
i_fc = i_EIS * (1.0 + np.tanh(4 * (t - 2 * (delta_t_ini / 2)) / delta_t_ini)) / 2
n_inf = np.where(t_new_start_EIS <= t)[0][-1] # It is the number of frequency changes which has been made so far.
i_disruption = (ratio_EIS * i_EIS) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f[n_inf] * t)
i_fc = i_EIS + i_disruption
return i_fc
polarization_current(t, parameters)
Represents a current density used for creating a polarization curve. Starting from 0, the current density increases by the value of delta_i_pola every delta_t, following C∞ step current increments, until it reaches i_max_pola. Each increment lasts for delta_t_load_pola seconds. After each increment, there is a pause of delta_t_break_pola seconds to allow the stack to reach equilibrium.
t : float Time in seconds. parameters : dict A dictionary containing the parameters for the current density function.
i_fc : float The polarization current density at time t.
Source code in configuration/
def polarization_current(t, parameters):
"""Represents a current density used for creating a polarization curve.
Starting from 0, the current density increases by the value of delta_i_pola every delta_t, following C∞ step current
increments, until it reaches i_max_pola. Each increment lasts for delta_t_load_pola seconds. After each increment,
there is a pause of delta_t_break_pola seconds to allow the stack to reach equilibrium.
t : float
Time in seconds.
parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the parameters for the current density function.
i_fc : float
The polarization current density at time t.
# Initialisation
delta_t_load_pola, delta_t_break_pola, delta_i_pola, delta_t_ini_pola = parameters['delta_pola']
# (s, s, A.m-2, s). It is the loading time, the breaking time, the current density
# step, and the initial breaking time.
i_max_pola = parameters['i_max_pola'] # A.m-2. It is the maximum current density for the polarization curve.
delta_t = delta_t_load_pola + delta_t_break_pola # s. It is the time of one load.
tf = delta_t_ini_pola + int(i_max_pola / delta_i_pola + 1) * delta_t # s. It is the duration of this polarization current.
n = int(tf / delta_t) # . It is the number of loads made for this polarization current.
# Current density for the polarization curve
i_fc = 0 # A.m-2. Initialisation of the current density.
if t < delta_t_ini_pola: # It is the initial break for having homogeneity inside the cell
i_fc = 0 # before starting the measurements.
for i in range(n):
t_switch = delta_t * i # The current density value changes around this time.
i_fc += delta_i_pola * (1.0 + np.tanh(4 * (t - delta_t_ini_pola - delta_t - t_switch - (delta_t_load_pola / 2)) /
delta_t_load_pola)) / 2
return i_fc
step_current(t, parameters)
Represents a step change in current density. The current starts at 0 and smoothly stabilizes at i_ini_step A.m-2 in delta_t_load seconds. Around t_switch seconds, the current increases smoothly and stabilizes at i_final_step A.m-2 in delta_t_load seconds. This is a C∞ function, which is advantageous for enhancing the overall stability of the results.
t : float Time in seconds. parameters : dict A dictionary containing the parameters for the current density function.
i_fc : float The step current density at time t.
Source code in configuration/
def step_current(t, parameters):
"""Represents a step change in current density.
The current starts at 0 and smoothly stabilizes at i_ini_step A.m-2 in delta_t_load seconds.
Around t_switch seconds, the current increases smoothly and stabilizes at i_final_step A.m-2 in delta_t_load seconds.
This is a C∞ function, which is advantageous for enhancing the overall stability of the results.
t : float
Time in seconds.
parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the parameters for the current density function.
i_fc : float
The step current density at time t.
# Initialisation
t0_step, tf_step, delta_t_load_step, delta_t_dyn_step = parameters['t_step'] # (s, s, s, s). It is the initial, final,
# loading and dynamic time for display.
i_ini_step, i_final_step = parameters['i_step'] # (A.m-2, A.m-2). It is the initial and final current density values.
t_switch = tf_step // 2 # The current density value changes around this time.
# Step current density
i_fc = i_ini_step * (1.0 + np.tanh(4 * (t - 2 * (delta_t_load_step / 2)) / delta_t_load_step)) / 2 + \
+ (i_final_step - i_ini_step) * (1.0 + np.tanh(4 * (t - t_switch - (delta_t_load_step / 2)) / delta_t_load_step)) / 2
return i_fc