This file is designated for executing the AlphaPEM software package through a graphical user interface (GUI). Most of the functionalities are available, but some are not implemented.
This function displays information about the program and its author in a dialog box when the "About" button is clicked.
Source code in
def about():
"""This function displays information about the program and its author in a dialog box when the "About" button is
msg = "AlphaPEM is an open-source software package for simulating proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) " \
"systems using physics-based models for embedded applications. \nIt is based on a physics-based, " \
"one-dimensional (1D), dynamic, two-phase, and isothermal model. It can quickly simulate the internal " \
"states and voltage dynamics of PEMFC systems, and produce polarization and EIS curves. It can also " \
"automatically calibrate the undetermined parameters of the model to simulate a given real fuel cell " \
"system." \
"\n\nAlphaPEM is firstly developed by Raphaël Gass during his PhD thesis from 2021 to 2024, supervised by " \
"Prof. Zhongliang Li, Prof. Rachid Outbib, Prof. Samir Jemei and Prof. Daniel Hissel. \nIt has been " \
"supported by French National Research Agency via project DEAL (Grant no. ANR-20-CE05-0016-01), the Region " \
"Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the EIPHI Graduate School (contract ANR-17-EURE-0002) and the Region " \
"Bourgogne Franche-Comté." \
"\n\nIt is related to the following articles:" \
"\n - Gass et al 2024 J. Electrochem. Soc.," \
"\n - Gass et al 2024 SSRN" \
"\n\nMore information can be found in:" \
"\n - GitHub webpage:" \
"\n - Documentation webpage: to do" \
"\n\nIf you want to contact me, please send an email to:"
# Create a new top-level window
about_window = tk.Toplevel()
about_window.title('About this program')
# Set the size of the window
about_window.geometry('730x460') # Width x Height
# Create a label with the message
label = ttk.Label(about_window, text=msg, wraplength=700) # wraplength to wrap text within the given width
label.pack(padx=15, pady=15) # Add padding around the label
# Create an OK button to close the window
ok_button = ttk.Button(about_window, text='OK', command=about_window.destroy)
control_current_button(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters, choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons, current_button)
This function is responsible for validating the user inputs by calling the value_control() function. If the input is valid, it then calls the show_current_button function to perform the requested action based on the button_type.
Parameters: |
Source code in
def control_current_button(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters,
choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons,
"""This function is responsible for validating the user inputs by calling the value_control() function. If the input
is valid, it then calls the show_current_button function to perform the requested action based on the button_type.
choice_operating_conditions : dict
A dictionary containing the operating condition information.
choice_accessible_parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the accessible parameter information.
choice_undetermined_parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the undetermined parameter information.
choice_current_density_parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the current density parameter information.
choice_computing_parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the computing parameter information.
choice_buttons : dict
A dictionary containing the button information.
current_button : dict
A dictionary representing the clicked button.
# Control the values
value_control(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters,
choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons, current_button)
# Activate the action
show_current_button(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters,
choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons, current_button)
This function creates the main application window and setting its title. It calls the main_frame() function to create the main graphical elements of the window.
Source code in
def create_application():
"""This function creates the main application window and setting its title.
It calls the main_frame() function to create the main graphical elements of the window.
# Create the main application window
root = ThemedTk(theme="arc")
# Create a canvas and add a scrollbar to it
canvas = tk.Canvas(root)
scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(root, command=canvas.yview)
frame = ttk.Frame(canvas) # Create a frame inside the canvas to add your widgets
# Add all the widgets to the frame
main_frame(frame, canvas)
canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame, anchor='nw') # Add the frame to the canvas
# Adjust the main window and canvas size
canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=True, side='left') # Organize the widgets
scrollbar.pack(fill='y', side='right')
main_frame(root, canvas)
This function creates the main graphical elements, such as labels, entry widgets, radio buttons, and buttons. It arranges them in the application window (root). It also initializes the choice dictionary variables for various parameters and settings.
root : ThemedTk The main application window where the graphical elements will be placed. canvas : tk.Canvas The canvas where the main graphical elements will be placed.
Source code in
def main_frame(root, canvas):
"""This function creates the main graphical elements, such as labels, entry widgets, radio buttons, and buttons.
It arranges them in the application window (root). It also initializes the choice dictionary variables for various
parameters and settings.
root : ThemedTk
The main application window where the graphical elements will be placed.
canvas : tk.Canvas
The canvas where the main graphical elements will be placed.
# Create a custom styles
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('Custom.TFrame', background='#f5f6f7')
style.configure('Blue.TButton', foreground='blue', font=('cmr10', 10, 'bold')) # Set the font color to blue
style.configure('Green.TButton', foreground='green', font=('cmr10', 10, 'bold')) # Set the font color to green
style.configure('Red.TButton', foreground='red', font=('cmr10', 10, 'bold')) # Set the font color to red
style.configure('Black.TButton', foreground='black', font=('cmr10', 10, 'bold')) # Set the font color to black
style.configure('Big.TButton', font=('cmr10', 12, 'bold'))
# Create control variables to track the visibility state of some frame
show_info_undetermined_parameters = tk.BooleanVar(value=False)
show_info_current_density_parameters = tk.BooleanVar(value=False)
show_info_computing_parameters = tk.BooleanVar(value=False)
# Create the frames to hold the different set of information
# Fuel cell type and operating conditions
operating_conditions_frame = ttk.Frame(root, style='Custom.TFrame')
operating_conditions_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
# Accessible physical parameters
accessible_parameters_frame = ttk.Frame(root, style='Custom.TFrame')
accessible_parameters_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
# Undetermined physical parameters
undetermined_parameters_frame = ttk.Frame(root, style='Custom.TFrame')
undetermined_parameters_frame.grid(row=5, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
undetermined_parameters_frame.grid_remove() # Hide the frame by default
# Current density parameters
current_density_parameters_frame = ttk.Frame(root, style='Custom.TFrame')
current_density_parameters_frame.grid(row=7, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
current_density_parameters_frame.grid_remove() # Hide the frame by default
# Computing parameters
computing_parameters_frame = ttk.Frame(root, style='Custom.TFrame')
computing_parameters_frame.grid(row=9, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
computing_parameters_frame.grid_remove() # Hide the frame by default
# Model possibilities and current density choice
model_possibilities_frame = ttk.Frame(root, style='Custom.TFrame')
model_possibilities_frame.grid(row=11, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
# Create the choice dictionaries
choice_operating_conditions = \
{'Temperature - Tfc (°C)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(operating_conditions_frame), 'label_row': 2, 'label_column': 1},
'Anode pressure - Pa (bar)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(operating_conditions_frame), 'label_row': 2, 'label_column': 3},
'Cathode pressure - Pc (bar)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(operating_conditions_frame), 'label_row': 2, 'label_column': 5},
'Anode stoichiometry - Sa': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(operating_conditions_frame), 'label_row': 3, 'label_column': 1},
'Cathode stoichiometry - Sc': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(operating_conditions_frame), 'label_row': 3, 'label_column': 3},
'Anode humidity - Φa': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(operating_conditions_frame), 'label_row': 4, 'label_column': 1},
'Cathode humidity - Φc': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(operating_conditions_frame), 'label_row': 4, 'label_column': 3}}
choice_accessible_parameters = \
{'GDL thickness - Hgdl (µm)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(accessible_parameters_frame), 'label_row': 1, 'label_column': 1},
'CL thickness - Hcl (µm)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(accessible_parameters_frame), 'label_row': 1, 'label_column': 3},
'Membrane thickness - Hmem (µm)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(accessible_parameters_frame), 'label_row': 1, 'label_column': 5},
'GC thickness - Hgc (µm)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(accessible_parameters_frame), 'label_row': 2, 'label_column': 1},
'GC width - Wgc (µm)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(accessible_parameters_frame), 'label_row': 2, 'label_column': 3},
'GC cumulated length - Lgc (m)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(accessible_parameters_frame), 'label_row': 2, 'label_column': 5},
'Active area - Aact (cm²)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(accessible_parameters_frame), 'label_row': 3, 'label_column': 1}}
choice_undetermined_parameters = \
{'GDL porosity - ε_gdl': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 0.6), 'label_row': 0, 'label_column': 1},
'Ionomer volume fraction\n- ε_mc': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 0.25), 'label_row': 0, 'label_column': 3},
'Tortuosity - τ': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 1.5), 'label_row': 0, 'label_column': 5},
'Compression ratio - ε_c': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 0.2), 'label_row': 1, 'label_column': 1},
'Capillary exponent - e': {'value': tk.IntVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 4), 'label_row': 1, 'label_column': 3},
'Electron resistance\n- Re (µΩ.m²)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 1.0), 'label_row': 1,
'label_column': 5},
'Reference exchange\ncurrent density\n- i0_c_ref (A/m²)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 3.0), 'label_row': 2,
'label_column': 1},
'Crossover correction\ncoefficient\n- κ_co (mol/(m.s.Pa))': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 1.0), 'label_row': 2,
'label_column': 3},
'Overpotential correction\nexponent - κ_c': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 2.0), 'label_row': 2, 'label_column': 5},
'Limit liquid saturation\ncoefficient - a_slim': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 0.05), 'label_row': 3,
'label_column': 1},
'Limit liquid saturation\ncoefficient - b_slim': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 0.1), 'label_row': 3,
'label_column': 3},
'Limit liquid saturation\ncoefficient - a_switch': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 0.7), 'label_row': 3,
'label_column': 5},
'Volumetric space-charge\nlayer capacitance\n- C_scl (F/cm³)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(undetermined_parameters_frame, 20), 'label_row': 4,
'label_column': 1}}
choice_current_density_parameters = \
{'Initial time - t0_step (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 0), 'label_row': 0,
'label_column': 1},
'Final time - tf_step (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 1000), 'label_row': 0,
'label_column': 3},
'Loading time\n- Δt_load_step (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 50), 'label_row': 0,
'label_column': 5},
'Initial current density\n- i_ini_step (A/cm²)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 0.5), 'label_row': 1,
'label_column': 1},
'Final current density\n- i_final_step (A/cm²)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 1.5), 'label_row': 1,
'label_column': 3},
'Loading time\n- Δt_load_pola (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 30), 'label_row': 2,
'label_column': 1},
'Breaking time\n- Δt_break_pola (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 30), 'label_row': 2,
'label_column': 3},
'Initial breaking time\n- Δt_ini_pola (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 60), 'label_row': 2,
'label_column': 5},
'Maximum current density\n- i_max_pola (A/cm²)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 0.5), 'label_row': 3,
'label_column': 1},
'Current density step\n- Δi_pola (A/cm²)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 0.1), 'label_row': 3,
'label_column': 3},
'Static current\n- i_EIS (A/cm²)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 0.5), 'label_row': 4,
'label_column': 1},
'Current ratio\n- ratio_EIS (%)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 5), 'label_row': 4,
'label_column': 3},
'Number of points\ncalculated - nb_points_EIS': {'value': tk.IntVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 50), 'label_row': 4,
'label_column': 5},
'Power of the\ninitial frequency\n- f_power_min_EIS': {'value': tk.IntVar(current_density_parameters_frame, -3), 'label_row': 5,
'label_column': 1},
'Power of the\nfinal frequency\n- f_power_max_EIS': {'value': tk.IntVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 5), 'label_row': 5,
'label_column': 3},
'Number of frequencies\ntested - nb_f_EIS': {'value': tk.IntVar(current_density_parameters_frame, 60), 'label_row': 5,
'label_column': 5}}
choice_computing_parameters = \
{'Time for dynamic\ndisplay - Δt_dyn_step (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(computing_parameters_frame, 10), 'label_row': 0,
'label_column': 1},
'Purge time - t_purge (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(computing_parameters_frame, 0.6), 'label_row': 0,
'label_column': 3},
'Time between two purges\n- Δt_purge (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(computing_parameters_frame, 15), 'label_row': 0,
'label_column': 5},
'Maximum time step\n- max_step (s)': {'value': tk.DoubleVar(computing_parameters_frame, 0.1), 'label_row': 1,
'label_column': 1},
'Number of GDL nodes - n_gdl': {'value': tk.IntVar(computing_parameters_frame, 10), 'label_row': 1, 'label_column': 3}}
choice_buttons = \
{'type_fuel_cell': {'value': tk.StringVar(operating_conditions_frame, 'Enter your specifications'),
'label_row': 0},
'type_auxiliary': {'value': tk.IntVar(model_possibilities_frame, 2), 'label_row': 1},
'type_control': {'value': tk.IntVar(model_possibilities_frame, 0), 'label_row': 2},
'type_purge': {'value': tk.IntVar(model_possibilities_frame, 0), 'label_row': 3},
'type_display': {'value': tk.IntVar(model_possibilities_frame, 1), 'label_row': 4},
'type_plot': {'value': tk.IntVar(model_possibilities_frame, 0), 'label_row': 5}}
# Displays operating conditions and physical parameters on the screen (without their values)
# Display the dropdown menu buttons
ttk.Button(root, text='Undetermined physical parameters', style='Big.TButton',
command=lambda: toggle_info(undetermined_parameters_frame, show_info_undetermined_parameters, canvas)). \
grid(row=4, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
ttk.Button(root, text='Current density parameters', style='Big.TButton',
command=lambda: toggle_info(current_density_parameters_frame, show_info_current_density_parameters,
canvas)). \
grid(row=6, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
ttk.Button(root, text='Computing parameters', style='Big.TButton',
command=lambda: toggle_info(computing_parameters_frame, show_info_computing_parameters, canvas)). \
grid(row=8, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
# Display the labels
display_parameter_labels(operating_conditions_frame, accessible_parameters_frame, undetermined_parameters_frame,
current_density_parameters_frame, computing_parameters_frame, choice_operating_conditions,
choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters,
choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters)
# Displays the value of the operating conditions and physical parameters on the screen.
display_parameters_value(operating_conditions_frame, accessible_parameters_frame, undetermined_parameters_frame,
current_density_parameters_frame, computing_parameters_frame, choice_operating_conditions,
choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters,
choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters)
# Display the radiobuttons on the screen
display_radiobuttons(model_possibilities_frame, choice_buttons)
# Display the 'type of fuel cell' widget on the screen.
ttk.Label(operating_conditions_frame, text='Fuel cell:', font=('cmr10', 12, 'bold')). \
grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)
ttk.OptionMenu(operating_conditions_frame, choice_buttons['type_fuel_cell']['value'],
'Enter your specifications', 'Enter your specifications', 'EH-31 1.5 bar (2021)',
'EH-31 2.0 bar (2021)', 'EH-31 2.25 bar (2021)', 'EH-31 2.5 bar (2021)', 'Linhao Fan (2010)',
command=lambda value: changeValue(operating_conditions_frame, accessible_parameters_frame,
undetermined_parameters_frame, current_density_parameters_frame,
computing_parameters_frame, choice_operating_conditions,
choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters,
choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters,
choice_buttons)). \
grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2)
# Display the action buttons to select the type of current density to be applied.
ttk.Label(model_possibilities_frame, text='Current density:', font=('cmr10', 12, 'bold')). \
grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="w")
current_button = {'Step curve': 0, 'Pola curve': 1, 'EIS curve': 2}
# Button to generate the step curve
ttk.Button(model_possibilities_frame, text='Step curve', style='Blue.TButton',
command=lambda: control_current_button(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters,
choice_undetermined_parameters, choice_current_density_parameters,
choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons,
current_button['Step curve'])) \
.grid(row=6, column=2, padx=10, pady=20)
# Button to generate the Pola curve
ttk.Button(model_possibilities_frame, text='Pola curve', style='Green.TButton',
command=lambda: control_current_button(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters,
choice_undetermined_parameters, choice_current_density_parameters,
choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons,
current_button['Pola curve'])) \
.grid(row=6, column=3, padx=10, pady=20)
# Button to generate the EIS curve
ttk.Button(model_possibilities_frame, text='EIS curve', style='Red.TButton',
command=lambda: control_current_button(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters,
choice_undetermined_parameters, choice_current_density_parameters,
choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons,
current_button['EIS curve'])) \
.grid(row=6, column=4, padx=10, pady=20)
# About button
ttk.Button(model_possibilities_frame, text='About', style='Black.TButton', command=about) \
.grid(row=6, column=5, ipadx=12)
# Ensure the frame sizes are updated
set_equal_width(operating_conditions_frame, accessible_parameters_frame, undetermined_parameters_frame,
current_density_parameters_frame, computing_parameters_frame, model_possibilities_frame)
show_current_button(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters, choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons, current_button)
This function determines the action to be performed based on the button_type.
Parameters: |
Source code in
def show_current_button(choice_operating_conditions, choice_accessible_parameters, choice_undetermined_parameters,
choice_current_density_parameters, choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons, current_button):
"""This function determines the action to be performed based on the button_type.
choice_operating_conditions : dict
A dictionary containing the operating condition information.
choice_accessible_parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the accessible parameter information.
choice_undetermined_parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the undetermined parameter information.
choice_current_density_parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the current density parameter information.
choice_computing_parameters : dict
A dictionary containing the computing parameter information.
choice_buttons : dict
A dictionary containing the button information.
current_button : dict
A dictionary representing the clicked button.
# Retrieves parameter values for predefined stacks and keeps them in their standard unit, or converts user-selected
# quantities into standard units.
Tfc, Pa_des, Pc_des, Sa, Sc, Phi_a_des, Phi_c_des, Aact, Hgdl, Hcl, Hmem, Hgc, Wgc, Lgc, epsilon_gdl, \
epsilon_mc, tau, epsilon_c, e, Re, i0_c_ref, kappa_co, kappa_c, a_slim, b_slim, a_switch, C_scl, t_step, \
i_step, i_max_pola, delta_pola, i_EIS, ratio_EIS, f_EIS, t_EIS, t_purge, delta_t_purge, max_step, n_gdl, \
type_fuel_cell, type_auxiliary, type_control, type_purge, type_display, type_plot \
= recover_for_use_operating_inputs_and_physical_parameters(choice_operating_conditions,
choice_computing_parameters, choice_buttons)
if current_button == 0:
type_current = "step"
current_density = step_current
launch_AlphaPEM_for_step_current(current_density, Tfc, Pa_des, Pc_des, Sa, Sc, Phi_a_des, Phi_c_des, t_step,
i_step, i_max_pola, delta_pola, i_EIS, ratio_EIS, t_EIS, f_EIS, Aact, Hgdl,
Hmem, Hcl, Hgc, Wgc, Lgc, epsilon_gdl, tau, epsilon_mc, epsilon_c, e, Re,
i0_c_ref, kappa_co, kappa_c, a_slim, b_slim, a_switch, C_scl, max_step, n_gdl,
t_purge, type_fuel_cell, type_current, type_auxiliary, type_control,
type_purge, type_display, type_plot)
if current_button == 1:
type_current = "polarization"
current_density = polarization_current
launch_AlphaPEM_for_polarization_current(current_density, Tfc, Pa_des, Pc_des, Sa, Sc, Phi_a_des, Phi_c_des,
t_step, i_step, i_max_pola, delta_pola, i_EIS, ratio_EIS, t_EIS, f_EIS,
Aact, Hgdl, Hmem, Hcl, Hgc, Wgc, Lgc, epsilon_gdl, tau, epsilon_mc,
epsilon_c, e, Re, i0_c_ref, kappa_co, kappa_c, a_slim, b_slim,
a_switch, C_scl, max_step, n_gdl, t_purge, type_fuel_cell, type_current,
type_auxiliary, type_control, type_purge, type_display, type_plot)
if current_button == 2:
type_current = "EIS"
current_density = EIS_current
launch_AlphaPEM_for_EIS_current(current_density, Tfc, Pa_des, Pc_des, Sa, Sc, Phi_a_des, Phi_c_des, t_step,
i_step, i_max_pola, delta_pola, i_EIS, ratio_EIS, t_EIS, f_EIS, Aact, Hgdl,
Hmem, Hcl, Hgc, Wgc, Lgc, epsilon_gdl, tau, epsilon_mc, epsilon_c, e, Re,
i0_c_ref, kappa_co, kappa_c, a_slim, b_slim, a_switch, C_scl, max_step, n_gdl,
t_purge, type_fuel_cell, type_current, type_auxiliary, type_control, type_purge,
type_display, type_plot)
toggle_info(frame, show_info, canvas)
Toggles the visibility of the given frame and updates the scroll region of the given canvas.
Parameters: |
Source code in
def toggle_info(frame, show_info, canvas):
Toggles the visibility of the given frame and updates the scroll region of the given canvas.
frame : ttk.Frame
The frame to show or hide.
show_info : tk.BooleanVar
A boolean variable to track the current visibility state.
canvas : tk.Canvas
The canvas to update the scroll region.
if show_info.get():
frame.grid_remove() # Hide the info frame
show_info.set(False) # Update the visibility state
frame.grid() # Show the info frame
show_info.set(True) # Update the visibility state
canvas.update_idletasks() # Update the scroll region of the given canvas.